32 research outputs found


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    Indonesia's geological as part of the “ring of fire” includes the consequence that community life could be affected by volcanic activity. The catastrophic incidence of volcanic eruptions in the last ten years has had a disastrous impact on human life. To overcome this problem, it is necessary to conduct research on the strengthening of the early warning system for volcanic eruptions utilising remote sensing technology.  This study analyses spatial and temporal anomalies of surface brightness temperature in the peak area of Karangetang volcano during the 2018-2019 eruption. Karangetang volcano is an active volcano located in North Sulawesi, with a magmatic eruption type that releases lava flow. We analyse the anomalies in the brightness temperature from channel-10 of the Landsat-8 TIRS (Thermal Infrared Scanner) time series during the period in question. The results of the research demonstrate that in the case of Karangetang Volcano the eruptions of 2018-2019 indicate increases in the surface brightness temperature of the crater region. As this volcano has many craters, the method is also very useful to establish in which crater the center of the eruption occurred


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mempelajari pengaruh komposisi kimia dan ketebalan coran terhadap struktur mikro besi cor pada kasus pembuatan besi cor vermicular. Besi cor vermicular menarik diteliti karena memiliki kekuatan dan keuletan yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan besi cor kelabu, serta memiliki konduktivitas panas, sifat damping, ketahanan panas dan kekuatan fatik yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan besi cor nodular. Akan tetapi yang masih menjadi permasalahan adalah ketika proses pengecoran diperlukan komposisi kimia dan laju pendinginan yang tepat agar dihasilkan besi cor bergrafit vermicular. Terkait dengan hal itu, pada penelitian ini dilakukan perbandingan struktur mikro terhadap hasil coran dari sampel yang memiliki komposisi kimia dan ketebalan coran yang berbeda. Bahan besi cor dilebur menggunakan tungku induksi dan proses pemaduan Mg dilakukan di dalam ladel. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa jika komposisi kimia besi cor (% Mg minimal) mampu mendorong terbentuknya grafit nodular maka terdapat kecenderungan semakin tebal coran menyebabkan semakin besarnya kemungkinan terbentuknya grafit vermicular. Pada komposisi besi cor 2,63 %C; 2,41 %Si; 0,428 % %Mn; 0,006 %S; 0,07 %Mg; 0,015 %Ti; 0,067 %Cr; 0,019 %Mo; 0,043 %Ni; 0,009 %Al; 0,006 %Co; 0,12 %Cu; 0,007 %V; 0,024 %W dan ketebalan coran 40 mm mampu menghasilkan besi cor berstruktur vermicular


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    Kubu Raya district is a district of the division of Pontianak regency formed by Act 35 of 2007 concerning the Establishment of Kubu Raya district with an area of 6985.20 km ² ( 698,520 acres ) . There are 342.984 ha of peat land area comprising 171 396 ha of shallow peat , peat in the 49 621 ha , 38.953 ha of peat medium , peat in the 83 014 ha while the development activities for oil palm plantations of business licenses obtained has reached an area of about 206 154 ha consisting of 23 fruit companies mostly scattered on peatlands , related to the use of peatlands for oil palm cultivation requires prudence and careful planning with a record of environmental damage . The concept of the development of oil palm plantations on peat land must be in accordance with the  rules  of  Regulation  of  the  Minister  of  Agriculture  of  the  Republic  of  Indonesia  Number 14/Permentan/PL 110/2/2009 on Guidelines for Aquaculture Lowland Sustainable Palm Oil which aims to develop the cultivation of oil palm plantations , preserve the function of land peat , increase production and revenue produksen palm .. To understand these activities , then made the purpose of the study : 1 . Identify and analyze the factors that influence the development strategy of oil palm plantations on peat land in Kubu Raya District .2 . Formulate strategies alternanif development of oil palm plantations on peatland Kubu Raya district . The method used was a survey method and included in the descriptive study . The sampling technique used was purposive sampling method , which determines directly or by deliberately selecting respondents . To know the strengths , opportunities , weaknesses and threats of the development of oil palm plantations on peatland Kubu Raya district , then do a SWOT analysis ( Strengths Weakness Opportunities Threath ) . From the analysis it turned out SO strategy ( Strengths Opportunities) ( 3.3743 ) is the best strategy in the development of oil palm plantations on peatland Kubu Raya district , while the strategy is as follows: 1 ) Planting Area Improvement Strategy and Increased Production of oil palm plantations  peatlands  .  2  )  Increased  and  improved  palm  oil  products  according  to  standard  

    Admissibility of Illegally Obtained Evidence

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    The increasing volcanic activity of Anak Krakatau volcano has raised concerns about a major disaster in the area around the Sunda Strait. The objective of the research is to fuse Landsat-8 OLI (Operational Land Imager) and Sentinel-1 TOPS (Terrain Observation with Progressive Scans), an integration of SAR and optic remote sensing data, in observing the lava flow deposits resulted from Anak Krakatau eruption during the middle 2018 eruption. RGBI and the Brovey transformation were conducted to merge (fuse) the optical and SAR data.  The results showed that optical and SAR data fusion sharpened the appearance of volcano morphology and lava flow deposits. The regions are often constrained by cloud cover and volcanic ash, which occurs at the time of the volcanic eruption.  The RGBI-VV and Brovey RGB-VV methods provide better display quality results in revealing the morphology of volcanic cone and lava deposits. The entire slopes of Anak Krakatau Volcano, with a radius of about 1 km from the crater is an area prone to incandescent lava and pyroclastic falls. The direction of the lava flow has the potential to spread in all directions. The fusion method of optical Landsat-8 and Sentinel-1 SAR data can be used continuously in monitoring the activity of Anak Krakatau volcano and other volcanoes in Indonesia both in cloudy and clear weather conditions

    Pengelolaan Aplikasi Berbasis Lokasi “dalam Kota (Dalkot)” Divisi Marketing Communication Director dan Divisi Production Director

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    Dalkot (Dalam Kota) adalah sebuah layanan aplikasi seluler yang memanfaatkan Location-Based Service (LBS) yang menyediakan informasi mengenai lokasi wisata dan hiburan berdasarkan lokasi fisik penggunanya, dan sejak tanggal 6 Mei 2015 Aplikasi ini sudah dapat diunduh secara gratis melalui Google Play (Android) dan Apple Store (iOS). Namun ternyata sejak pertama kali aplikasi Dalkot soft launching, jumlah pengunduh aplikasi Dalkot sangatlah sedikit, belum banyak masyarakat kota Semarang yang mengunduh atau sekedar mengetahui keberadaan aplikasi Dalkot, beragam fitur dan konten informatif yang dimiliki oleh aplikasi Dalkot nyatanya belum mampu dipasarkan secara baik. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan suatu kegiatan yang bertujuan untuk mengelola dan mengkomunikasikan aplikasi Dalkot dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan jumlah pengunduh. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, dibuat kegiatan, pengelolaan aplikasi Dalkot dalam bidang marketing communication yang terdiri dari kegiatan pre-event dalam bentuk buzzing melalui media sosial, dan event Dalkot Way-to-Eat sebagai sebuah strategi promosi yang berlangsung di 10 tempat kuliner di Kota Semarang yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan perilaku target audiens untuk mengunduh Aplikasi Dalkot, selain itu juga terdapat kegiatan advertising dan online marketing sebagai bentuk penyebaran informasi mengenai aplikasi Dalkot sendiri dan event Dalkot Way-to-Eat.Sebagai Marketing Communication Director dan Production Director, penulis bertanggung jawab pada penyusunan dan realisasi konsep produksi, promotion, dan marketing secara keseluruhan, Hasilnya, kegiatan pengelolaan aplikasi Dalkot dalam bidang marketing communication ini efektif meningkatkan perilaku target audiens untuk mengunduh Aplikasi Dalkot. Untuk kedepan, PT. Maju Dalam Kota perlu untuk membuat kegiatan-kegiatan yang dapat meningkatkan engagement dengan target audiens, dan hal ini bisa dilakukan dengan pelaksanaan kegiatan serupa secara kontinyu

    Thematic Structure in Students’ Writings: Implications on their Ideas Organization and Development

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    Thematic structure is an important concept in organizing ideas in academic writing. Although numerous studies have focused on investigating how it is realized in students' writing, only a few focus on investigating thematic structure in students' text across different proficiency levels. This article is based on a study analyzing idea organization and development in 24 high and low-scoring essays through Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL). It was a qualitative content analysis with complementary quantitative data. The results show significant differences in how ideas are organized and developed in high and low-scoring essays. Even though all types of Themes (topical, interpersonal, textual Theme) were observed in both groups, the high-scoring essays elaborated more themes than the low ones indicating that the high-scoring essays comprised more clauses. As for Thematic Progression, all the patterns were present in the essays. The Linear Theme pattern was primarily applied in high-scoring essays, while the Constant Theme pattern was applied frequently in the low-scoring ones. The Split Rheme pattern was less observed in all the students' essays. These findings indicate that the high achievers provided more expounded ideas through linear theme patterns, whereas their counterparts tended to focus on a subject reflected through Theme reiteration. Thus, this implies that proficiency characterized writers in organizing and developing ideas in writing as reflected through thematic Choice and Progression


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    This paper describes the application of Sentinel-1 TOPS (Terrain Observation with Progressive Scans), the latest generation of SAR satellite imagery, to detect displacement of the Merapi volcano due to the May–June 2018 eruption. Deformation was detected by measuring the vertical displacement of the surface topography around the eruption centre. The Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) technique was used to measure the vertical displacement. Furthermore, several Landsat-8 Thermal Infra Red Sensor (TIRS) imageries were used to confirm that the displacement was generated by the volcanic eruption. The increasing temperature of the crater was the main parameter derived using the Landsat-8 TIRS, in order to determine the increase in volcanic activity. To understand this phenomenon, we used Landsat-8 TIRS acquisition dates before, during and after the eruption. The results show that the eruption in the May–June 2018 period led to a small negative vertical displacement. This vertical displacement occurred in the peak of volcano range from -0.260 to -0.063 m. The crater, centre of eruption and upper slope of the volcano experienced negative vertical displacement. The results of the analysis from Landsat-8 TIRS in the form of an increase in temperature during the 2018 eruption confirmed that the displacement detected by Sentinel-1 TOPS SAR was due to the impact of volcanic activity. Based on the results of this analysis, it can be seen that the integration of SAR and thermal optical data can be very useful in understanding whether deformation is certain to have been caused by volcanic activity

    Roof materials identification based on pleiades spectral responses using supervised classification

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    The current urban environment is very dynamic and always changes both physically and socio-economically very quickly. Monitoring urban areas is one of the most relevant issues related to evaluating human impacts on environmental change. Nowadays remote sensing technology is increasingly being used in a variety of applications including mapping and modeling of urban areas. The purpose of this paper is to classify the Pleiades data for the identification of roof materials. This classification is based on data from satellite image spectroscopy results with very high resolution. Spectroscopy is a technique for obtaining spectrum or wavelengths at each position from various spatial data so that images can be recognized based on their respective spectral wavelengths. The outcome of this study is that high-resolution remote sensing data can be used to identify roof material and can map further in the context of monitoring urban areas. The overall value of accuracy and Kappa Coefficient on the method that we use is equal to 92.92% and 0.9069

    Pengelolaan Aplikasi Berbasis Lokasi “dalam Kota” (Dalkot) sebagai Reporter

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    “Dalam Kota” atau Dalkot merupakan aplikasi berbasis lokasi asal Semarang dengan segmentasi pengunduh berada di umur 15-25 tahun. Aplikasi ini menyuguhkan informasi panduan wisata yang dapat digunakan sebagai referensi mencari tempat-tempat kuliner, tempat wisata, lifestyle, event, hotel dan transportasi yang ada di Semarang.Aplikasi Dalkot sudah menginjak usia lima bulan sejak didirikan, namun tidak cukup dikenal di masyarakat Semarang, terlihat dari jumlah pengunduhnya yang hanya berjumlah 500 orang. Selain karena kurangnya promosi, konten artikel pun tidak cukup memberikan infromasi kepada para pengguna, serta terdapat teguran dari pihak lain yang merasa karya fotonya diambil tanpa izin untuk ditampilkan di aplikasi. Inilah alasan konten dan tampilanAplikasi Dalkot perlu dikembangkan lagi.Tugas penulis adalah sebagai reporter yang bertugas memverifikasi data di lapangan agar informasi sesuai dengan fakta. Kemudian, sebagai foto editor untuk menyunting foto agar dapat dengan baik ditampilkan di aplikasi. Terakhir, sebagai administrator yang bertugas memasukkan konten ke dalam aplikasi agar dapt dinikmati para pengguna. Selama menjalankan tugas, penulis mengalami beberapa kendala namun semua bisa diatasi sehingga acara tetap berjalan dengan lancar.Selama 5 minggu, penulis berhasil mengembangkan konten aplikasi menjadi lebih baik. Karenanya, pengunduh menjadi bertambah dan Aplikasi Dalkot cukup dikenal. Beberapa pengguna menyebutkan bahwa Aplikasi Dalkot dapat menjadi panduan wisata yang baik di Semarang. Diharapkan Aplikasi Dalkot dapat terus menambah konten yang baik dan kekinian serta mengembangkan fitur-fitur aplikasinya